The Embarkation & Disembarkation of Pilots
Code of Safe Practice
This new version of the Code has been prepared jointly by the Marine/Pilotage Working Group of the British Ports Association (BPA) and the UK Major Ports Group (UKMPG) and the Technical & Training Committee of the United Kingdom Maritime Pilots Association (UKMPA).
Its purpose is to act as a guide to safe practice and is commended to all those involved in the Pilotage service. It not only covers the act of transfer from pilot boat to ship and vice-versa, but also addresses issues such as the pilot boat itself, boarding and landing areas and training.
The Code should be used primarily as a basis for safe operating procedures, which are capable of being adapted and augmented to suit particular locations or type of operation.
The Code recognises recent SOLAS and UK legislation and in particular the Port Marine Safety Code and the associated Guide to Good Practice.
This Code will assist Competent Harbour Authorities (CHAs) in forming the basis for establishing safe operating procedures which are specific to each area of operation and which are to be derived by appropriate risk assessment.
Revised July 2021
Click Here to download a copy of the Code of Safe Practice