Notice of Entry of Dangerous Substances arriving by sea for discharge or in transit
The following information is required by the Harbour Master, in writing, in respect of the advance notice of entry of all dangerous substances arriving by sea into the Port of Southampton, for discharge or in transit
The advance notice must contain the following information from masters of vessels or their agents and must be received at least 24 hours prior to the arrival of the vessel at the Nab/Needles area.
In the event of vessels bound to the Port of Southampton whose passage time is less than 24 hours, the report should be sent by telex from the last port of call to ensure that the details have been received prior to the vessel's arrival at the Nab/Needles thus avoiding any unnecessary delay.
Non Tankers
a) Vessel Details
Name and call sign of vessel
Nationality of vessel
Overall length, draught and beam of vessel
Intended destination within the Harbour Area
Last Port of Call
b) Dangerous Substances being carried (Specify for discharge or in transit)
Correct technical name of dangerous substances
UN number
Quantity of each substance
Details of the number and type of packages to be individually handled (where appropriate)
c) In the case of Explosives (Specify for discharge or in transit)
UN number
Compatibility group
Net explosive content
Tankers (Vessels under 1600GRT/GT)
a) Vessel Details
Name and call sign of vessel
County in which tankers is registers
Overall length, draught and beam of vessel
Intended destination within the Harbour Area
ETA Nab or East Lepe (via West Solent)
Last Port of Call
b) Dangerous Substances being carried (Specify for discharge or in transit)
Correct technical name of dangerous substances
UN number
Quantity of each substance
Tankers (Vessels over 1600 GRT/GT)
a) Vessel Details
Name and call sign of vessel
Country in which tanker is registered
Overall length, draught and beam of vessel
The Harbour where the master intends first to berth the tanker, ie anchorage or berth
Intended destination within the Harbour Area
ETA Nab or East Lepe (Pilot Boarding Station)
Last Port of Call
Nature and quantity of any chemicals, gas or oil carried by the tanker
Whether tanker is fitted with an inert gas system and, if fitted, is fully operational
Whether the cargo tanks have an atmosphere which has been rendered non-flammable
Whether or not a certificate has been issued in respect of the tanker:
If its cargo includes chemicals, that it complies with the IMO Code for Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals; and
If its cargo includes gas, that it complies with the IMO Code for Existing ships carrying Liquid Gases
b) Vessel Defects
Defects in the hull, machinery or equipment of the tanker, which may:
Effect materially the safe manoeuvrability of the tanker; or
Effect materially the safety of other vessels in or in the vicinity of; or
In the approaches to the Harbour; or
Constitute a hazard to persons or property on land or in the vicinity of the Harbour.
c) Dangerous Substances being carried (Specify for discharge or transit)
Correct technical name of dangerous substance
UN number
Quantity of each substance