Pre-Carry Request
Arrangements can be made for a pilot to board a ship early (pre-carriage), subject to the provision of adequate notice and availability of pilots. Pre-Carriage would typically require the destination berth to be available, this can be confirmed with Southampton VTS.
Charges for this service are outlined in the Southampton Pilotage Tariff.
Vessels pre-carrying pilots must provide suitable accommodation, sustenance and lifesaving equipment for the pilot. An agent will be required to arrange and pay all associated costs. Hotel and transportation should reflect the pilot’s status as a senior marine professional.
Vessels agents will be responsible for:
- Providing ABP with adequate notice and requesting pilot availability
- Contacting 3rd party pilot service providers and arranging pilot disembarkation (where required) – see information below
- Arranging transport for pilots as agreed with Southampton VTS
- Managing ship ETA/ETDs and time changes
- Keeping Soton Pilots updated in regard to progress and arrangements
- Resolving charges associated with over-carriage and pre-carriage
Southampton VTS will assist with any queries and are available to advise on logistics.
Southampton VTS will supply a pilot, if available, but will not be able to make any further arrangements on behalf of the agent.
ABP are able to assist with bookings for this service for locations within England. An administration charge may be applied in accordance with the Southampton Pilotage Tariff.
Click here to download the Pre-Carriage Request form
Please contact ABP Port Planning for any queries
- Agent to keep ABP and Brixham pilotage closely advised of ETA.
- Call Brixham pilots one hour before arrival on VHF 09 or mobile +447907 106 528.
- Advise your ships health, reportable illnesses on board, Covid status.
- Advise max arrival draught and freeboard (note if freeboard is greater than 9 m, personnel will require a combination of accommodation ladder and pilot ladder, to comply with IMO regs)
- Pilot launch will meet approximate 1.1/2 miles north-east of Berry Head at pilot boarding station position LAT 50.25.00 N Long 003.25.70 W,
- Position will be confirmed when contact is made via VHF 09.
- Pilot launch will require a maintained speed of 5 to 6 knots for transfer. Pilot ladder 2 m above water on leeward side

- Contact pilot launch provider to confirm the service is available
- Agent to complete Falmouth’s pilot request form
- Agent to book ABP Pilot transport and Falmouth Launch
- Agent to inform ship of pilot boarding / disembarking location and time
Agent to complete Ramsgate’s pilot request form